Our Story

The Bigger Picture Clinic has been in the making for a lifetime. The building, which is the foundation of the clinic, has been in my family for almost 40 years. Well known to Melbourne locals as Michael Warshall Picturemaker, it was the home of our family business and as a child was one of my safe spaces.

Picturemaker was a place for people to capture memories with their loved ones through photography.

This building was a space that I would be in daily, a place where I felt connected and safe in the presence of my parents. Years later, what was a place for loved ones to gather and capture precious moments has now become a place for people to see their own bigger picture, to welcome all memories and to give life to those parts that have been in survival mode.

I am so excited to invite people into a space that brought so much safety and connection as a child.

Meet the team

The Bigger Picture Clinic is a cohesive community of practice. We are made up of like-minded clinicians with a diverse range of modalities, philosophies, and life experiences.

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